UCL’s new Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP) has now opened applications for our founding STEaPP Provost Fellowships.
These prestigious postdoctoral fellowships are designed to enable exceptionally talented early career researchers to develop their research, teaching and policy engagement experience sufficiently to make them very strong candidates for academic positions by the end of their tenure. Provost Fellows will join STEaPP as fully integrated junior members of STEaPP’s foundational team. These fellowships will include:
- Dedicated time for pursuing an independent research project (a brief research proposal is required as part of the application);
- Working as part of STEaPP’s foundational academic team to develop the Department’s collaborative research activities;
- Contributing to STEaPP’s teaching activities; and
- Helping develop the policy engagement profile of STEaPP and the related policy engagement and decision support institute.
Applications are warmly encouraged from candidates from across all branches of social, natural and engineering sciences with research, policy engagement and teaching interests relevant to STEaPP. Any disciplinary (or multidisciplinary) background and topical focus of relevance to STEaPP is welcome.
Candidates whose interests and experience are within the following very broad domains are particularly encouraged to apply in this round:
- Knowledge Systems
- Engineering and Public Policy
- Big Data and Public Policy
- ST&E within Humanitarian and Development Contexts
- Enterprise Policy
Further information and application details can be found at:
- http://www.ucl.ac.uk/steapp/employment
- https://atsv7.wcn.co.uk/search_engine/jobs.cgi?amNvZGU9MTM0NjY3MiZ2dF90ZW1wbGF0ZT05NjUmb3duZXI9NTA0MTE3OCZvd25lcnR5cGU9ZmFpciZicmFuZF9pZD0wJnBvc3RpbmdfY29kZT0yMjQmcmVxc2lnPTEzNzMwMzUyMTItOTFmZTk2ZTM3ZmViODQ3NDg4MTQxNmU3ZjdmNmVhZjc1ODJmZTFhMg%3D%3D&jcode=1346672&vt_template=965&owner=5041178&ownertype=fair&brand_id=0&posting_code=224&reqsig=1373035212-91fe96e37feb8474881416e7f7f6eaf7582fe1a2
If you have any questions related to these positions, please do not hesitate to contact us at STEaPP@ucl.ac.uk