DATE: Friday 14 September 2018
TIME: 10.00–18.00
LOCATION: Dana Research Centre and Library
Wellcome Wolfson Building
165 Queen’s Gate
London SW7 5HD
The event is a chance to meet the Science Museum Group’s (SMG) research community of staff, students and collaborators, gathered to discuss the great variety of research projects currently under way at SMG museums.
This annual conference is held in a different SMG museum each year (the Science Museum in 2016 and the National Science and Media Museum in Bradford in 2017).
This year it returns to the Science Museum to be adjacent to the London conference of the European Society for the History of Science, co-organised by the British Society for the History of Science.
Delegates to the larger conference are invited also to attend this celebration of the research culture of the Science Museum Group.
For more details click here.
Please indicate your interest in attending the Science Museum Group Research Conference by sending an email to with the title ‘Register for SMG Research Conference’.